Our Founder
Swamiji Gananath Amritananda has drawn inspiration in designing our line of teas from his vast knowledge of herbs and spices gathered in his years of experience culinary work and his practice as an Ayurvedic Herbalist. A talented chef, Swamiji received training in Culinary Arts from Johnson and Wales University, in Norfolk Virginia. At this time, he was deeply interested in exploring various world cuisines and their use of herbs, spices, and seasonings in particular. He had studied the fine arts and drawing and painting in particular, so it was natural for him to focus upon the aesthetics of cooking and to view the culinary arts as fine art. After his culinary education, he worked in restaurants for several years before commencing his studies of Ayurvedic Medicine. Inspired by a desire to help and serve people, he studied Ayurveda at Dhanvantari Ayurveda Center under the guidance of Vijaya Stallings. He has vast knowledge and experience of hundreds of Indian Ayurvedic herbs, Western herbs, and native Virginia herbs. Swamiji has practiced Ayurveda, assisting clients with a full range of health concerns for over 15 years and has taught Ayurveda classes and certification courses. He is working on an Ayurvedic cook book and a book about the traditional Ayurvedic herbal formulations. Swamiji is a practitioner and teacher of Yoga and Meditation and has profound experiential knowledge of the nature of the mind and the effects of herbs upon consciousness. He spends most of his time, teaching students about meditation, Ayurveda, and the traditional practices of Yoga. In his free time he enjoys meditating, walking in nature, gardening, drawing, and cooking with herbs.